Plan Submittals Field Definitions

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Plan Submittals Field Definitions

Field Name 
Data Type 
Field Length 
DEEMED_SUBMITTED_DATE DATE7Date the plan submittal was deemed complete.
NEPA_DETER_TYPE VARCHAR212An indicator of the type of National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) determination or final document required for the review.
PLAN_CTRL_CD VARCHAR23An indicator of the status of the plan application.
PLAN_CTRL_NUM NUMBER22A number identifying the plan being submitted. This number is assigned by the Plans Unit.
PLAN_FNL_ACTN_CD VARCHAR23Indicates the final action was taken on a plan submittal.
PLAN_FNL_ACTN_DT DATE7Date that final action was taken on a plan submittal.
PLAN_SUB_CODE VARCHAR23Indicates the type of plan submittal.
PLAN_SUB_RECV_DT DATE7Date the plan submittal was received.

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